Author: sentinel

Do I need a fire risk assessment?

Fire risk assessment

As an employer and/or building owner/occupier/landlord and anyone else who has control of the premises e.g. Facilities manager, you are considered a ‘responsible person’. You’re required to carry out and maintain a fire risk assessment to comply with Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, which applies in England and Wales (equivalent requirements apply in Scotland… Read more »

Winter health and safety hazards in the workplace – what to look for

battling against winter health and safety hazards in the workplace

Winter is here! Among the festivities, employers must consider the additional challenges that winter weather brings. Promoting workplace health and safety is essential, to maintain a safe and resilient environment. Take a look at the tips below to learn about potential winter health and safety hazards and what you can do to prevent any accidents…. Read more »

Most common health and safety risks in manufacturing

Manufacturing health and safety risks

Manufacturing is considered a high-risk industry to work in as there are a variety of hazardous situations in this environment. Workers in small manufacturing firms are more than twice as likely to be killed at work, than workers in larger firms in the same sector. Health and safety risks in manufacturing are a problem, but… Read more »

How an Energy Management System can help your organisation

savings image

Organisations are facing many challenges in the current climate and one of these challenges is rising energy costs. Businesses are becoming more aware of environmental impact and the urgent need to have an energy reduction strategy, not only to reduce their carbon footprint but also to save money. The total energy consumption of the world… Read more »

A guide to LOLER


What is LOLER? LOLER stands for Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (1998), and builds on the requirements of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER). The aim is that all lifting operations conducted in the workplace are carried out safely, to reduce the number of injuries and fatalities. Does LOLER apply to… Read more »

Why a Good ESG Rating Makes Good Business Sense

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

ESG regulations are a crucial component of the UK Government’s approach to a ‘green industrial revolution’, to help put the economy in a stronger position to generate growth. But was is ESG and why is it relevant for your business? What is ESG? The term ESG developed from a corporate social responsibility initiative launched by… Read more »

Do you know the dangers of dust?

workers gloved hands releasing dust

Dust can be a problem in almost any industry, but do you know the true dangers of dust and the devasting effects it can cause? The HSE recently launched a ‘Dust kills’ campaign and HSE inspectors have been visiting construction sites nationwide with a specific focus on dust control. 500 construction workers are killed by… Read more »

How to successfully deliver a Toolbox Talk

Toolbox talk

Below are a few simple tips on how to successfully deliver a Toolbox Talk. Competence to deliver a Toolbox Talk Staff that have attended health and safety training are permitted to deliver Toolbox Talks. This is so they can speak confidently and answer any queries that may arise. If you wish to deliver Toolbox Talks… Read more »

Meet Our Senior SHE Consultant, Emma Riordan, BSc (Hons) CFIOSH

Headshot of Sentinel Safety's Senior SHE Consultant, Emma Riordan

It’s International Women’s Day! Why not learn a little more about one of our inspiration women, Emma Riordan our Senior SHE Consultant. How did you begin your career and what attracted you to health and safety? I actually decided to study health and safety management and French as a combined honours degree at Aston University. … Read more »

2023 predictions for the H&S sector?

2023, year of the rabbit

Can you believe the first month of the year is over already! We’ve celebrated Chinese New Year, but the animal year officially commences on 4th February. We thought we would take a look at what the year of the rabbit might look like and what are the 2023 predictions for the H&S sector? The year… Read more »